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How Can Long-Term Care Services Help My Elderly Parent?

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It’s not easy to watch the people who once took care of us needing help themselves. But you’re not alone in this journey. Every person is unique, and every person has their own set of unique needs and circumstances. This makes it essential to know what type of care services are available for your parents in their golden years.

There are two main types of long-term care services for seniors. One type is assisted living, a home-type living situation where residents receive help with their daily tasks but generally live independently. The other is memory care—where seniors experiencing dementia or cognitive decline can receive advanced care to help support them.

What Are the Different Types of Long-Term Care Services for Seniors?

As seniors age, their needs change, and that’s totally normal. It’s all about finding the right care for them. Some may need a little help with daily activities, while others might require specialized healthcare. That’s where long-term care communities come in. 

These communities strive to cover everything, from personal care like bathing and dressing to medical care. But it’s not just about the services—it’s about creating a community where seniors can feel at home. 

They’ll be surrounded by a team of caring professionals and have plenty of opportunities for socializing and staying engaged. Long-term care communities are all about helping seniors age gracefully and with the dignity they deserve.

Here at The Legacy at South Plains, we offer two types of long-term senior care:

  • Assisted living: This type of care provides seniors with personalized assistance for daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, medication management, and meal planning.
  • Memory care: Designed specifically for those with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, memory care offers a secure environment with structured activities to enhance cognitive abilities.

It’s important to assess your loved one’s needs to determine which type of community is suitable for them.

How Assisted Living Helps Seniors

Assisted living is all about supporting seniors in leading an active, fulfilling life while providing the necessary care they need. It’s designed for seniors who want to remain independent where it’s possible but still need a hand here and there with their daily needs.

Here, your loved ones can enjoy their independence while still receiving assistance with daily activities. Whether it’s medication management, cleaning, bathing, cooking, or any other daily need, the teams working in assisted living are trained to give residents the care they need for a high quality of life.

The benefits of assisted living include:

  • Personalized care plans that are custom-tailored to each resident’s unique situation and needs
  • Assistance with daily tasks
  • Social activities, programs, and amenities
  • Healthy meals and dietary monitoring
  • Access to medical services

By creating a safe, caring environment, assisted living allows seniors to focus on enjoying their golden years without the stress of managing daily tasks. It gives them the care they need while prioritizing their independence.

How Memory Care Can Help Seniors with Dementia

Memory impairment, like dementia and Alzheimer’s, can make a senior’s life significantly more challenging. It can be heartbreaking to watch your loved one struggle with memory loss, confusion, and other symptoms of dementia—and it can be difficult trying to provide them with the care they need without professional help.

That’s where memory care comes in. This specialized form of long-term care is designed to support seniors with dementia by providing a structured environment that helps maintain their cognitive abilities.

Memory care can help seniors by:

  • Providing a safe, secure environment
  • Offering structured activities to stimulate the mind
  • Offering personalized care plans to address individual needs
  • Having trained staff to handle the unique challenges of dementia

They even offer programs and services aiming to slow cognitive decline and help keep the brain strong.

Memory care staff receive additional training so they’re well-prepared to handle challenges posed by dementia. These communities are an excellent way for seniors with dementia to lead fulfilling lives. 

When Is It Time to Choose Long-Term Care for an Elderly Parent?

It may seem difficult to choose the right type of long-term care for your elderly parent. Fortunately, there are some questions you can ask that can narrow down your options so you can find the right community for them, like:

  • Does my parent need help with daily tasks?
  • Are they experiencing memory problems?
  • Do they have any health conditions that require medical attention?
  • Do they feel isolated or lonely at home?
  • Are they following a proper diet?
  • Can they safely navigate their daily life without risking themselves?

If your parent is experiencing cognitive decline, memory problems, or exhibiting any signs of dementia or memory impairment, it may be time to think about memory care. However, if they just need a hand with some day-to-day tasks but still want to retain their independence, assisted living may be the right fit for them.

Don’t forget to include them in this discussion. The move to senior living can be emotional, so let your parent know you’re there for them! Remember, these communities exist to give your loved one the care they deserve, and there’s nothing wrong with accepting help from a team of trained caregivers.

A group of seniors sitting a common room, enjoying a pot of tea and socializing

Long-Term Care for Your Senior Parent

At The Legacy at South Plains, we believe that each and every senior deserves to live their best life, no matter their age or health condition. Our team of caregivers is dedicated to providing high-quality long-term care services for your parent. If you’re in need of assisted living or memory care, book a tour with us and learn how we can support your loved one today.

Written by LifeWell

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